
Yes, we ship all over the world. Shipping costs will apply, and will be added at checkout. We can ship by all major carriers such as Fedex, DHL, UPS, or US Postal Service.

Typically orders placed on regular business days and placed before 4PM EST will ship same day as ordered. We would ship with 2-3 days delivery by FedEx, USPS, or UPS for orders shipping within USA. Orders shipping Internationally will ship by FedEx or DHL. Orders placed with paid overnight service will be shipped by FedEx Overnight Service. Please understand regular business days are Monday-Friday excluding US Public Holidays.

We use all major carriers such is FedEx, UPS, DHL, and US Postal Service.


Orders placed within 30-days can be returned for full refund. Warranty replacement returns are acceptable for the specified period of time on the product page. (Usually 30-days - 1 Year). Initiate A Return here.

Yes, we accept purchase orders from resellers, schools, hospitals, government agencies, and other registered businesses. To Inquire more, please contact us at 407-960-1722.

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